The clock is ticking. At 05:00 Sunday morning we'll be saying goodbye to Leran once again. It is a bittersweet departure for us. We are especially anxious, in this year of the most critical presidential election of our lives, to listen non-stop to National Public Radio or CNN TV news. We won't breathe until it's over.
But we leave behind what has become our Leran family. With our second summer at 14 Rue du Four under our belts,
Last evening, at Le Rendez-Vous, our little Leran family hosted a send-off party for Doug and I. It was like the continuation of the Marche Nocturne. Pichets of rouge, rose, and blanc constantly appeared; and bountiful plates of scrumptious finger foods lined the banquet table. Mushroom samosa, quiches, saussices, smoked salmon and cheeses---Shirley, who has been in a cooking frenzy all summer in the bar's kitchen, offered to cook for us. To all who organized and sponsored and attended the gala event, thanks and thanks again.
A question lingers: are we leaving home or going home? It may be a family secret.
Bonjour Nancy and Doug:
I just wanted to say thank you again for letting Dad and I stay with you guys. We had a great trip and hope to come again in the future, but with Mom along! We really appreciated your hospitality and your guidance through the Ariege region. Please give Fergus a big hug for me!
A bientot,
As hard as it is for you two to leave Leran, it will be hard for me to do without NOrth of Andorra. I am so thrilled for you, that you have found such a wonderful place and perhaps can now understand my dream of living in France. Mom would be so proud of you, Doug, she was such a Francophile. Helas, bon voyage et au courage. Love, Leslie
It's really lovely that you can "feel at home" on two different continents! That's a sensation that many people will never experience. Luke thinks you are very lucky!
Bon voyage!
So, soon you can crank up "West of Andorra" from Moab! I will be looking forward to your updates from there. Have a safe trip to Home #1 (of 2)!
You guys are leaving what looks to me like a slice of Heaven. You are so lucky and well deserving to have found such great friends there in Leran. But we need you here at home to pull the energy force the right way in this next election. It is really, really important that we all do whatever we can to make sure this country doesn't end up in the hands of Sarah Palin (no offense to anyone out there in Blogland).
So get home!
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