This is Fergus. We got him at the Moab City Humane Shelter two days ago. He's two months old, give or take a few weeks.
He has already been housetrained, although in reverse. That is, as soon as walks into the house he takes a leak.
He's half lab and something else, yet to be determined, perhaps some kind of curly haired water dog, like a Springer or Terrier.
Fergus is our fourth dog and has a Scottish inspired name. He follows our Spanish named dogs, Cisco and Pancho, and our Irish named dog, O'Malley. Pancho had Cisco to help house train him, and Pancho house trained O'Malley but now we have to re-invent the wheel and remember how this is done.
So cute! I love the red-collar... Did you hear that mom and dad just got a new puppy last weekend too? (Unfortunately, good old Ernie made his way to the big yard in the sky.) They aren't quite as good as you are in the naming category (evidenced by Kitty the cat), but you can all trade tips on house training and all. I love all the black dogs in our family. I will send you a picture of my black dog sometime soon. Love, Anna
Oh Fergus! You are so handsome!! What a beauty!
Aunt Amy
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