Thursday, October 15, 2009

We're Number Thirty-seven! Go USA

Americans should be proud to have the 37th best health care system in the world. But who is first? Find out. (Thanks for the tip, cousin Kathy.)


Anonymous said...

There's no doubt that our national insurance situation is a mess! And this comes from someone who has been uninsured for the past 7.5years! Maybe I just have to wait until I'm elegible for Medicare...if there's any Medicare left when I'm 65!


Anonymous said...

Third in this study ;-)

Could do better, as they say!

Montana Barb said...

Here's a funny story for you: I went to the Bozeman library so that I could enjoy this video using their high speed internet. I put on my earphones, plugged them in, and fired it up. Sound wasn't too good so I turned it up a little. Half way through, a library worker came by and waved the "Quiet Area" sign in my face. Turns out I had plugged the head phones into the wrong place and was entertaining the surrounding patrons at full blast! I couldn't tell with the headphones on! Pretty embarrassing! Fortunately I was surrounded by like-minded individuals... I think...
